How do I get my child into the Issaquah Baseball Club program?
Issaquah Baseball Club 11U, 10U, 9U, and 8U teams for 2025 will be selected in June/July 2024 based on tryouts. Tryouts will be open to any player who is eligible to play in the Issaquah Little League 2025 season. Invitations will be sent via email to all players from the 2024 Issaquah Little League season. However, any other players who live inside the ILL boundary and who will commit to play in ILL for 2025 are welcome.
How are teams chosen?
For the 2025 season, players will be evaluated at July tryouts by the Manager, plus other experienced IBC coaches, based on baseball skills and knowledge shown at the tryouts and from previous season experience.
How are coaches chosen?
All interested Managers and Coaches please send an email to info@issaquahbaseballclub.org. While Managers may be selected by the IBC Board in advance of the tryouts, Coaches will only be selected from parents of players making the team. By signing up to Coach, you commit yourself to the following Winter Workouts, Spring Training and Tournament games.
Do players change teams?
Not during the season (unless injury creates an opening on one of the teams). However, teams are re-formed via the tryout process each season.
My child is league age 10, but is a 5th grader…On which team should He or She play?
Teams will be formed based on the IBC age chart below. There are no provisions for players to “play up” to a higher team, even within the same grade level. Issaquah Baseball Club believes players should excel at their own age rather than playing with a higher-level team. The only exception is 7U players may try out for the 8U team given IBC does not currently have a 7U program.
Are there any other requirements for participating in Issaquah Baseball Club?
You must be eligible for and enroll in Issaquah Little League. Only Issaquah Little League participants are eligible to try out for the Issaquah Baseball Club program. While there is no formal relationship between our two organizations, Issaquah Baseball Club strongly supports Little League and the Issaquah Little League program specifically. Players who try out for IBC teams must commit to registering for Issaquah Little League for the 2025 season.
How much does it cost to participate in Issaquah Baseball Club?
NOTE: FEES FOR 2025 are being developed and will be posted here once determined.
Fees include cost for the entire season, including 10-15+ games (3 tournaments), 12+ Winter Workout sessions, plus Spring/Summer team practices. Fees are due within 1 week of acceptance. Players new to IBC must purchase a uniform set for approximately $150 (jersey, helmet, pants, hat, socks, belt).
Scholarship opportunities
A limited number of need-based scholarships are available to make playing for IBC possible for some families. Please inquire via info@issaquahbaseballclub.org. Your communication will be handled in a confidential manner.
When are practices, games and tournaments?
Winter Workouts: These will typically be scheduled weekly during November, December, January and February. 12U/11U will work out together and 10U/9U will work out together at a local indoor facility with a mix of professional and IBC coaches. 8U Developmental teams will participate in a limited Winter Workout plan, with workouts available from January through March.
Spring Training: Issaquah Baseball Club practices start in March and are typically 2 hours on Fridays or Sundays. Coaches may request additional batting/pitching practice sessions at local cages at their discretion.
Games: Home games are in Issaquah, Wash., with an occasional doubleheader. Each team may play some away games within the greater Seattle area as well.
Tournaments: Each team will play 10-15+ games in 3 tournaments per year, typically from Memorial Day until mid-June (teams may decide to play later tournaments or additional tournaments based upon team discussions).
Still Have Questions? Email us info@issaquahbaseballclub.orG
Be there. Crush it. June 15-16, 2024